Memory Mine
Artist-Leaders: Janet Goldner, Homer Jackson, and Rana Sindhikara
Images (clockwise from top left):
Rana Sindhikara, When I Look Out My Window,
manipulated color photography and mixed media images from website (2003).;
Janet Goldner, Book of Hopes and Fears,
page-hinged steel and brass book, 12' x 4' (2003),
Gratz High School Marble Hall, Nicetown-Tioga, Philadelphia.
Memory Mine artists work with young writers at the Kenderton School.
“Listen with your heart.
Listen with your heart and speak from the same place.
Words and deeds etched in flesh never are erased.
Listen with your heart.
Listen with your heart; remember what he said.
Time passes, but the words remain.
They are unlimited.”
-Homer Jackson, The Sound of His Voice
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